Host a Speaking Engagement
We believe strongly in reaching out and engaging kids directly. In these presentations, Dianne, Mallory’s mother, shares Mallory’s story and educates both teachers and students alike, explaining upstanders and empowering students to model themselves after someone that they’d want to meet.

Where We’ve Been
It’s a bracelet KIND of life.®
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#moments .... we all have moments throughout our lives that we look back on and remember vividly. Exact moments that change your life instantaneously. These pics were moments leading up to the exact moment that changed my life. The pic of all of us leaning back on each other while chairs we were sitting on were removed so we could all balance on each other (note to self, this does NOT work for grown ass adults...ever). The “moment” the chairs were removed we all fell...this was the moment my husband reached over to cradle my head so I wouldn’t smash that moment his knee slammed into my ribs. This is the MOMENT that changed my life. The moment that sent me for an X-ray which led to the moment I found out I had #hodgkinslymphoma’s so weird to look at the pics. We were having sooooo much fun!!! I was with some of my closest friends, we were laughing, dancing, loving life and appreciating each other. How could one MOMENT like that lead to something so life changing? I can’t say I took it for granted, those moments, because I’ve learned from loss to cherish them.... #mallorysarmy #mallorythefilm So I don’t think I needed the reminder again...I’m #thankful to have the good ones ❤️....#cancersucks #fuckcancer #imissmyhair #chemosucks #lymphoma #survivor #loveeveryday ...
“If you don’t teach these things, studies show that kids that bully, tend to go on to be adult bullies, in the workplace and things like that.” - Dr. Domenick Sportelli
Child & adolescent psychiatrist, Dr. Domenick Sportelli, joins this important dialogue. He treats suicidal thinking and self-harm in children who have been victims of online harassment every day; in this eye-opening series, he shares his expertise from the front lines of this widespread crisis.
Dr. Sportelli sheds light on how and when to intervene as a parent, as well as teachable moments that parents can put into practice with their children regarding empathy and interpersonal skills.
To watch this full series and learn more, visit today or by clicking the link in our bio to watch this as well as several other educational series on related mental health topics.
#mallorysarmy #suicideprevention #mentalhealth #suicidalideation #endthestigmaofmentalhealth #cyberbullying #cyberbullyingprevention #itsabraceletkindoflife #notmychildsyndrome