What does it mean to Blue Out Bullying?
Mallory’s simple mantra “It’s a Bracelet KIND of Life” originated from the craft bracelets she made and sold in support of Camp Good Days. If that mantra is what helped define our beginnings and what Mallory’s Army strives for, then Blue Out Bullying is our ultimate goal. Through our Blue Bands, we promote kindness, anti-bullying awareness, and Mallory’s Army. When everyone is wearing the symbol of Mallory’s Army, we are on the path to Blue Out Bullying.

Living a Bracelet KIND of Life
Many organizations have awareness bands. But what does it mean when an individual wears an awareness band? We take our mission to Blue Out Bullying seriously and believe deeply in its ability to bring about positive change. Our belief in this positive change was further solidified after discovering a study conducted by several Ivy League schools.
This study found that when a class’s most social and popular students took a stand against bullying by wearing an awareness band, a culture shift began in the classroom.
With students at the forefront, they became role models for their peers to follow, creating a chain reaction of adopting the anti-bullying mentality and acting as upstanders.
Putting an end to bullying is not something achieved by individuals operating alone, it is done by a community banding together. We achieve this by unifying students, teachers, kids, and adults alike, against bullying and anyone who seeks to make less of, or cause harm to others.
This study forms the core of what we seek to accomplish with Blue Out Bullying. Those wearing Blue Bands signify that they are soldiers of Mallory’s Army, act as upstanders, not bystanders, and seek to eliminate bullying in all forms and in all spaces.
Share Your Blue Bands
Share photos from your event on Instagram using the hashtag #itsabraceletkindoflife
Remember to check with a parent before submitting!
Yesterday featured two powerful and moving presentations with Diane Grossman, mother and co-founder of Mallory’s Army! An afternoon session with our upper school students focused on how words and actions can impact others and an evening session with parents and students included a viewing of the Mallory documentary film and a Q&A with Diane. Mallory’s Army was formed in July of 2017, after the tragic, unforeseen death of Mallory Rose Grossman. At the young age of 12, Mallory took her life after months of bullying, both at school and online. For more information regarding the Mallory`s Army Foundation, please visit mallorysarmy.org - Many thanks to Director of Special Services Ms. Anders for coordinating this important event for our school community! #tccsnj #mallorysarmy #itsabraceletkindoflife ...
Preventing bullying is challenging, especially when doing it alone. Join mallorys_army to Blue Out Bullying and learn how to support students, educate parents, and create a community of kindness throughout the school.
#MallorysArmy #mallorythefilm #abraceletkindoflife #blueband #bullyingpreventionmonth #bullyingprevention #antibullying #kindness #empathy #KindnessMatters #bullyingawareness #bullyinghurts #stopbullying #poweroffriendship #counselorshelp #schoolcounselors #Standupforothers #stopthehate #SELskills #socialemotionalskills
Tonight at waitress karaoke we met so many wonderful young musical souls. One of them was Carlee. Carlee is 15 years old and she sang she used to be mine and it was soulful and heartbreaking and soaring and beautiful. Then she told us that the song is special to her because she just sang it at her little sisters funeral. Her sister, Mallory, 12 years old, took her own life because she was bullied. Carlee and her beautiful family have started a foundation and it`s called #mallorysarmy. Please share and support and help end these tragic losses of life by teaching each other that it gets better and we are all worth it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ...