Host a Speaking Engagement
We believe strongly in reaching out and engaging kids directly. In these presentations, Dianne, Mallory’s mother, shares Mallory’s story and educates both teachers and students alike, explaining upstanders and empowering students to model themselves after someone that they’d want to meet.

Where We’ve Been
It’s a bracelet KIND of life.®
Share photos from your event on Instagram using the hashtag #blueband
Preventing bullying is challenging, especially when doing it alone. Join mallorys_army to Blue Out Bullying and learn how to support students, educate parents, and create a community of kindness throughout the school.
#MallorysArmy #mallorythefilm #abraceletkindoflife #blueband #bullyingpreventionmonth #bullyingprevention #antibullying #kindness #empathy #KindnessMatters #bullyingawareness #bullyinghurts #stopbullying #poweroffriendship #counselorshelp #schoolcounselors #Standupforothers #stopthehate #SELskills #socialemotionalskills