Don’t Just Teach Kindness, Be Kindness!
United Together in the Fight Against Bullying

Mallory’s Army Foundation’s Mission
We empower kids to be the kind of person they want to meet. We educate parents on how their kids interface with their world, both online and in school. We enrich schools by sharing Mallory’s story and promoting kindness among students. We enhance communities by uniting everyone in an effort to Blue Out Bullying.

The Mallory Film
With this film, we seek to share Mallory’s story with the world. We hope that our journey shown here educates and inspires children and adults alike, to stand up against bullying.

Mallory’s Army Events
Looking to host Mallory’s Army at your school? Mallory’s Army Foundation believes in engaging and educating students directly about bullying. Students will learn about Mallory’s story, what it means to live a bracelet KIND of life, and much more. If you are interested in hosting Mallory’s Army for an assembly or community event, fill out the form below.

There are many ways to show you’re part of Mallory’s Army.
All funds from these items go towards supporting the Mallory’s Army Charitable Foundation.
We’ve compiled a list of resources that we feel are highly beneficial. These websites span many different topics surrounding bullying and range from mental health support lines to learning about being an upstander.

Yesterday featured two powerful and moving presentations with Diane Grossman, mother and co-founder of Mallory’s Army! An afternoon session with our upper school students focused on how words and actions can impact others and an evening session with parents and students included a viewing of the Mallory documentary film and a Q&A with Diane. Mallory’s Army was formed in July of 2017, after the tragic, unforeseen death of Mallory Rose Grossman. At the young age of 12, Mallory took her life after months of bullying, both at school and online. For more information regarding the Mallory`s Army Foundation, please visit - Many thanks to Director of Special Services Ms. Anders for coordinating this important event for our school community! #tccsnj #mallorysarmy #itsabraceletkindoflife ...
Preventing bullying is challenging, especially when doing it alone. Join mallorys_army to Blue Out Bullying and learn how to support students, educate parents, and create a community of kindness throughout the school.
#MallorysArmy #mallorythefilm #abraceletkindoflife #blueband #bullyingpreventionmonth #bullyingprevention #antibullying #kindness #empathy #KindnessMatters #bullyingawareness #bullyinghurts #stopbullying #poweroffriendship #counselorshelp #schoolcounselors #Standupforothers #stopthehate #SELskills #socialemotionalskills
Tonight at waitress karaoke we met so many wonderful young musical souls. One of them was Carlee. Carlee is 15 years old and she sang she used to be mine and it was soulful and heartbreaking and soaring and beautiful. Then she told us that the song is special to her because she just sang it at her little sisters funeral. Her sister, Mallory, 12 years old, took her own life because she was bullied. Carlee and her beautiful family have started a foundation and it`s called #mallorysarmy. Please share and support and help end these tragic losses of life by teaching each other that it gets better and we are all worth it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ...